Monday, April 27, 2009

Back from Texas Star Party 2009

Having returned from TSP 2009, I'm excited to talk about things that other people have done or are doing. The above picture was captured at TSP by John Davis, a fellow imager in my astronomy club. He used a modified DSLR camera on an AstroTrac mount. But here's the neato part: he used two different lenses. Here's his explanation of how he did this:

I imaged Scorpius over 2 nights with my Canon XSI: one night with a 28mm to get the entire constellation and the next night with a 85mm focused on the Rho region. I then used RegiStar to create this 2 frame mosaic to bring out extra detail in the Rho region.

Here are the stats:

Canon XSI (Hutech Modded, IDAS filter)
Sigma 28mm f/4, ISO 1600
45 x 2 min

Canon XSI (Hutech Modded, IDAS filter)
Nikon 85mm f/4, ISO 1600
53 x 2 min

I used the AstroTrac for unguided tracking.

Amazing, huh? I think he did a stellar job on the processing.

Tomorrow I'll talk about a cool transit captured with photometry by another friend.

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