Friday, February 27, 2009

Cone Nebula - NGC 2264

Captured this in Jan 2009, but have struggled with the processing. I am never happy with my processing results of red emission nebula. I struggle to get the tone and saturation just right. I think maybe this is why I like processing narrowband better...there isn't a standard to achieve. Image captured with Takahashi FSQ-106ED and Apogee Alta U16M.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

John Buonomo created an animation recorded on 2-25-09 by guiding on the comet. This animation is comprised of 35 DSLR frames at 6 minutes exposure each:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My buddy Russell and his smooth Comet Lulin image

Russell images with a Canon 450D. He captured this excellent image of Comet Lulin using his Takahashi Sky90 refractor:

Click here for a larger resolution of this photo.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Comet Lulin

I was able to capture Comet Lulin in its colorful form. It is a beautiful comet that has changed its shape several times already.

This image was featured for a day on